‘Slut Shaming and Star Trek’

As with this post (what I’m writing now follows on from it) there may be minor Star Trek: Picard spoilers.

There will be some content that misogynsts will find offensive, but oddly enough, I can live with that.

After my brief conversation with Wes, I discovered another Twitter user, Kodai, had been weighing in, but Kodai blocked me when he ran away from a discussion about Star Trek Discovery’s audience appeal. I learned of his responses via a third party, who’d had the wisdom to take screen shots of a number of offending remarks.

Kodai, you don’t speak for all men when you speak about what we want from women, and you clearly resent women’s sexual independence. The notion that a woman might want (and have) sex on her terms terrifies you, hence the thinly veiled remarks on Twitter.

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